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Well written and interesting blogs get more hits. So, Don’t Be Dense, Write Well
Blogging works best when it’s well written. Blogs are most enjoyable when they’re easy to navigate and when the content they offer is interesting to read and has some depth to it. Search engines are looking for these types of blogs because they’re exactly what people are looking for when they search for information on a given topic.
Informative, well organized and authoritative are among the qualities that search engines are interested in when they index new resources. If you forget this and only pay attention to the keyword aspects of writing blogs, you may end up hurting yourself rankings wise.
Blogging works best when it’s well written. Blogs are most enjoyable when they’re easy to navigate and when the content they offer is interesting to read and has some depth to it. Search engines are looking for these types of blogs because they’re exactly what people are looking for when they search for information on a given topic.
Informative, well organized and authoritative are among the qualities that search engines are interested in when they index new resources. If you forget this and only pay attention to the keyword aspects of writing blogs, you may end up hurting yourself rankings wise.
Keyword Density and Blogging
You’ll find a lot of conflicting information on the Internet about what optimum keyword density really is. Most of the time, including a keyword or keyword phrase around one percent of the time in your text is enough to catch the attention of the search engines and to get you associated with those keywords in their indexes.
That density can actually come about quite naturally if you’re simply writing about a subject and being detailed in what you’re saying about it. In fact, higher keyword density sometimes results legitimately simply because somebody is writing an article about something and is including a great deal of information.
What search engines don’t want to see our articles that are obvious attempts to stuff keywords into the text just to hit a certain density. Search engines want to avoid articles that don’t give the reader something useful for the reader having taken their time and read it. Stuffed articles tend to be very low quality and to be dull to read.
They tend not to be terribly informative. What search engine companies are aware of is the fact that most of the time people led to a webpage with very stuffed writing on it will be disappointed with what they find. That will reflect on the search engine and the search engine doesn’t want to send people to useless pages.
Information Density
If you want to bring up the density of the keyword, one way to do it is to simply add more detailed information to your blog. For example, if you happened to be selling flat screen TVs and wanted to get your website associated with keywords related to those products, putting up quality information about flat screen TVs would give a perfect excuse to use that keyword phrase over and over while still providing something very useful for the people who come to read your site.
Some search engine optimization techniques do make use of heavily key worded content but, overall, most of the good ones do not. The ones that are most appropriate for blogs certainly do not. Blogs need to be informational, interesting and frequently updated.
If you write your blog well, you’ll end up with an archive of information that will be useful to people for a very long time. Once you have all of this content developed, it stays on your site and the benefits it gives you continue as long as you have it available. If you need a blogging platform to provide a good archive, WordPress is an excellent choice.
Wordpress templates oftentimes have features that go beyond what the default WordPress setup offers you in terms of managing your archive and other information. There are powerful tagging features that you can use your organizer content in WordPress. If you organize your information using tools such as site maps, tags and other resources that WordPress makes available, you’ll make a much more useful resource for readers. Premium themes usually have features that make such tasks easier to do.
About author
Olga Ionel is an original writer at – a leader in the wordpress themes industry. She is fond of sharing SEO and blogging ideas.
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