
IP Address To decimal and vice-versa using Perl

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There can be a situation where we need to convert IPv4 Address(32 bit) from 4 octet format i.e. to  it decimal equivalent value i.e.  2130706433 and vice-versa. We can use pack, unpack in-built Perl functions to achieve this situation or we can use module (if allowed) along with pack and unpack, whichever you feel easier; you can use it in your code.

Perl Version: 5.10
Modules used: (Optional, but I used)
Perl in-built Functions used: pack and unpack

For IPv4 to Decimal format purpose, we can use either of two methods:

#Using pack and unpack functions
join('.',unpack('C4';, pack('N',shift)));
# or use this using Socket module

For Decimal format to IPv4 octet format, we can gaain use either of these two methods:

 #Using pack and unpack functions
 unpack('N', pack ('C4', split('\.', shift)));
 # or use unpack and Socket module for this

Here is fully working  code for this purpose:

# Author: Sanjeev Jaiswal
# Date: July, 2013
# Description: Take input from user either
# in decimal format and display 4 octet IPv4 address and vice-versa
use strict;
use warnings;
use Socket;

my $instruction = <<INSTRUCTION;
 You can provide either valid IP Address in 4 octet form
 or You can provide IP Address in decimal form
 This program should give you the output either in decimal format
 or would fetch IPv4 Address in 4 octer format.

 Ex: Input -> 2130706433
 Output ->
 Input -> and want the output in decimal format
 Output -> 231345678


print $instruction;
print "Enter either IP octet or number in decimal format, \n";

my $user_input = <STDIN>;
chomp $user_input;

print "Input given: $user_input\n";

if($user_input =~ /^\d+$/){
 print int_to_ip($user_input),"\n";
 print ip_to_int($user_input), "\n";

sub int_to_ip {

sub ip_to_int {

Any comments/suggestions are most welcome. \m/

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