Blogging, CMS, Cybersecurity, Penetration Testing

How to find WordPress version of a site

You want to know WordPress version of site which is not owned or administered by you or in simple word you want to know WordPress version without logging in to the site? First let’s see how we can find WordPress version with logging in to the site.

With logging in to the site

Using Dashboard page

If you are an admin then getting WordPress version is very easy, login and check dashboard page or at Footer bottom Right side, you will have the version info.

Footer after successful login.

WP Version number at right bottom-Admin Page

Dashboard Page

Dashboard homepage showing WP Version
Dashboard homepage showing WP Version


Using PHP Code

Or You can get the WP version using PHP code at the same place where WordPress is installed.


By reading version.php

Or the below file is having Version details ,just open below file and look for version :

version number shown in version.php file

Without Logging into the site

But you are not the owner and want to know which WP Version a site is running?

Using readme.html file

Just type sitename/readme.html for the site whose version you want to know. Ex:
You will see something like below shown image:

Know WordPress version using readme file
Know WordPress version using readme file

Note: Web-admin or site owner may delete readme.html file, in that case you will not be able to find through this method, but usually it exists in majority.

Using meta tag

Open wordpress site then right click->view page source
Look for meta tag name=”generator”  i.e. <meta name=”generator” content=”WordPress 4.0.1″ />

This method will also not work if this tag has been edited. But By default it exists in lower WordPress version.

By viewing source page of wp-login.php

If you don’t find WordPress version through meta tag name generator or through readme.html then thic could be real handy. There are many sites which just removes or hides readme.html and latest WP version may not show meta tag name generator.

But when you see the source of wp-login.php page (because it will have less code and easy to find version), you would find w-content/themes/*, wp-includes/plugins/* wp-admin/*

Look for these keywords and see what version it is displaying at the last of such lines You will observe mostly correct by comparing few such ?ver=<numbers> i.e. ?ver=4.1

WordPress Version through wp-login viewsource
WordPress Version through wp-login view source

Note: I have written perl script to find WordPress Version manually using above three methods and it is working for most of the cases. If you find any edge cases or have to ponder some inputs then you are most welcome.

Using Add-ons (Not as accurate as it should be )

Firefox add-on:
Chrome Add-on:

Please let me know, if you know any other way to find WordPress version 🙂

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