I installed CentOS v6.4 in my system and started installing various applications to make my system a place for programmers with some entertainment applications. I tried to play mp3 songs and video songs but rhythm, Mplayer gave below errors for that I had to do lots of hard work just to listen a song, I was not in mood to explore and search and download those missing plugins.
- epel
- remi
- rpmfusion-free
- rpmfusion-nonfree
Step 1
First you need to make a local repository of epel by using yum command (login as root to use yum command) below command:
# yum localinstall –nogpgcheck http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
Then type y to get epel installed properly. Then you will see the confirmation message like this:
Step 2
Now you need to install remi by using below command:
# yum localinstall –nogpgcheck http://rpms.famillecollet.com/enterprise/remi-release-6.rpm
Type y and complete the installation. You will see below image after successful completion.
Step 3
Now install rpmfusion free by typing below command
# yum localinstall –nogpgcheck
Type y to complete the installation

Step 4
Now install rpmfusion nonfree library by using below command
# yum localinstall –nogpgcheck http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/el/updates/6/i386/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-6-1.noarch.rpm
Type y to complete the installation

You may skip this step. But just to confirm that all above libraries went well and you are able to find vlc info from the repository. If yes, then proceed to install VLC else you have some issue.
# yum –enablerepo=remi-test info vlc
Step 6
Now you can install VLC easily. Just type the below command:
# yum –enablerepo=remi-test install vlc

Step 7
Now it’s the time to play a song using VLC Media player. You may find it under application or use command prompt and type start vlc (be sure you are running the command as a non-root user else it will give error).