Data Privacy Assessments – Key Areas

Area 1: Transparency
- When the user information is collected from individuals, are they made aware of the uses for that information?
- Are Individuals made aware of any disclosures of their Personal Information to third parties?
- Have we obtained people’s consent for any secondary uses of their personal data, which might not be obvious to them
- Are our Personal Information-collection practices open, transparent and up-front?
Area 2: Purpose specification
- Are we clear about the purpose (or purposes) for which we keep personal information?
- Are the individuals collecting/handling this information also clear about this purpose?
- Has responsibility been assigned for maintaining a list of all Information sets and the purpose associated with each?
- Have we checked to make sure that all the information we collect is relevant, and not excessive, for our specified purpose?
Area 3: Use and disclosure of information
- Are there defined rules about the use and disclosure of information?
- Are all staffs aware of these rules?
- Are regulatory and country specific Data Privacy rules taken into consideration before the use and disclosure?
- Are the individuals aware of the uses and disclosures of their personal data?
- Whether the consent from the individuals regarding uses and disclosures of their personal information obtained?
Area 4 Personal Information Security
- Is there a list of security controls in place for each Information set?
- Is someone responsible for the development and review of these controls?
- Are these controls appropriate to the sensitivity of the personal data?
- Are our computers and our databases password-protected, and encrypted if appropriate?
Area 5: Accurateness and Update of Personal Information Stored
- Do we check our data for accuracy?
- Do we know how much of our personal data is time-sensitive?
- Do we take steps to ensure our Personal Information are kept up-to-date?
- Do Individuals have access/Provisions to update their personal data stored?
Area 6: Retention time
- Is there a clear statement on information retention period?
- Are regulatory and country specific Data Privacy rules taken into consideration before deciding the retention period?
- Do we regularly purge our databases of data which we no longer need, such as data relating to former customers or staff members?
- Do we have a policy on deleting personal data as soon as the purpose for which we obtained the data has been completed?
Area 7: The Individual Right of Access
- Do Individuals have access/Provisions to update their personal data stored?
- Are there clear procedures in place for dealing with such requests?
- Do these procedures guarantee compliance with the Act’s requirements?
Area 8: Data Privacy Awareness Training
- Do we have Data Privacy awareness training sessions for employees?
- Do we know about the levels of awareness of data protection in our organisation?
- Is data protection included as part of the training / Induction programme for our staff?
Area 9: Regulatory Compliance Visibility
- Do we have clear visibility over regulatory requirements and country specific Data Privacy rules?
- Do we have a privacy framework defined for the organisation considering the requirements above?
- Do we have periodic assessments to gauge the Data privacy Compliance Posture and continuous improvement in place
Courtesy: ISO 29100 Standard, DSCI Data Privacy Framework and Data protection – Ireland